M&M - Marx & Medicine
M&M - Marx & Medicine
reunion 4: OSHIT-19 [3/15/20]

reunion 4: OSHIT-19 [3/15/20]

what's good yall? (nothing right now to be exact.) #1 & #2 are back in this admittedly long ass episode where we dissect COVID-19, its implications on our healthcare system, and (importantly) the potentially drastic social-economic effects on the world's most vulnerable people. stock exchange is down, anxieties are up, and Clorox® is MIA. what's the best way to interpret a pandemic in the 21st century? by boldly traversing uncharted territory - something nobody else is trying - doin a podcast.

M&M - Marx & Medicine
M&M - Marx & Medicine
sign in/grab a slice/and join us at noon for M☭M, where your chiefs present an analysis of the medical-industrial complex - through a Marxist lens.