this serves as a bridge from the podcast formerly known as 'reunion.' this episode covers Friedrich Engels's seminal text - Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (1880). using this pamphlet, we explore how we should interpret modern day capital-M Medicine through a Marxist lens. just like you see throughout other sectors of society, the medical-industrial complex has its own division of labor and class distinctions that consolidate power into an owning/ruling class with the ability to dictate the conditions of healthcare finance and administration. what are these classes? who constitutes these classes? how do we use that information to understand politics? to create a better healthcare system? all of these important questions will be answered - and more! (whether u like it or not.)
Medicine: Utopian and Scientific [4/19/20]
Apr 16, 2020
M&M - Marx & Medicine
sign in/grab a slice/and join us at noon for M☭M, where your chiefs present an analysis of the medical-industrial complex - through a Marxist lens.
sign in/grab a slice/and join us at noon for M☭M, where your chiefs present an analysis of the medical-industrial complex - through a Marxist lens.Listen on
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